
#MKRCookie Recipe
There is a quiet joy in opening a new box of cookies to reveal the perfect specimen. Its un-crumbled scalloped top, the even more ornate bottom. Its percisely contained jelly center, topped with just the right amount of sugar. And most importantly, an even layer of light cream holding it all together. It is in honour of these perfect cookies that I've put together the following recipe for everyone to enjoy at home. I invite you to try your hand at making your own cookie following my instructions or substituting your own ingredients and techniques. And please share your results.
Yields one 9.5" cookie
1 1/2" thick clear pine board. At least 12" wide by 3' long
1/2 teaspoon of natural wood stain
1/8" sheet of PET plastic. At least 10" x 10"
8 tablespoons of polyester resin
2/3 teaspoons of red pigment
1 teaspoon of methylene chloride
Cream Filling
1 square foot of 1" upohlstery foam
2" x 14" white velour stretch fabric
20" of 1" wide adhesive-back velcro
White cotton thread

Download the #MKRCookie model in parts and set up the Cookie top, bottom and jelly on your CNC-mill software. Add tabs to the parts as needed.
Secure pine plank down on your machining table and run job.
Once done, carefully cut tabs off cookie, freeing it from the extra material.
Sand cookie components. If you are abe to get a fine final pass on the CNC you may only need light sanding and a clean-up where the tabs were.
Dust off cookie components and apply wood finish as per product instructions.
Use the Jelly model that you machined out along with your cookie top and bottom to make a PET vaccum-formed mould.
Prepare your resin with pigment and accelerant as per product instructions.
Cast resin in your PET Jelly mould and let it set (approx. 48 hrs)
Once set, cut out your Jelly from the PET sheet leaving a large enough lip to secure it to the top of the cookie.
Take a scrap of left-over PET sheet and snadblast-it or sand it down on both sides.
Cut the PET into thin strips and then into small cubes. These will become the sugar crystals.
Once you have a decent amount of sugar cubes, attatch them to the top surface of your jelly using resin bond and a brush. This process works best if you attach them one at a time.
Cream Filling
On your upostery foam: trace a 8 3/4" circle with a 7 1/2" circle inside it.
Cut along the coutside of the large circle, and along the inside of the smaller circle, you will need to keep both the resulting ring and circle, be sure to cut with care.
Once cut, you want to shape the ring by using sissors to cut away at the sharp eges.
Use the white velour to wrap the foam ring. This process will finish rounding out the ring into a perfect soft cream. As you approach the end of the ring, double check the size of your ring onto your cookie. You can cut a piece off if it feels like the ring is too large, depending on how tightly you are sewing the fabric, it may result in some stretching of the foam.
Place foam circle inside the fabric-wrapped-ring and cover both sides with a piece of fabric.
Sew a few stiches around through the cookie cream to ensure the fabric is tightly secured to foam.
Slide jelly into cookie top. Here you may choose to add a couple of strong staples to secure it through the PET lip.
If you want to secure cream to cookie, you can use hot glue, making sure not to get any on the underside of the jelly.
Techniques Used
CNC-Milling: Computer Numerical Controlled(CNC) milling is a process that uses a rotating cutting tool to machine into different materials. This process reads a 3D file and interprets it as a series of cuts.
Vacuum Forming: A process of using vacum pressure on heated plastic to create a shape. This process can be used to create quick one part moulds.
Sandblasting: Is a process that uses compressed air and fine sand particles, to etch into the surface of a material.
Casting: Creating an object by pouring a material into mould.